Our Annual Report contains key results and milestones from across our programming.
Our Annual Report contains key results from across our programming.

Celebrating a Year of Impact: WUSC’s 2023-2024 Annual Report

With our global network of 289 partners, we have made significant strides towards our vision of a better world for all young people. Our Annual Report contains key results and milestones from across our programming, highlighting the impact of our work. 

2023-2024 was filled with exciting new beginnings and milestones. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Launching a new multi-country climate adaptation project in the Guinean Forests of West Africa focused on supporting communities to adapt to climate change through improved agroforestry. 
  • Expanding our work in the paid care sector through new projects in Jordan, Kenya, and Malawi to improve access and quality of care work. 
  • Welcoming 147 refugees to Canada through the Student Refugee Program in partnership with 87 universities, colleges, and CEGEPs across the country. This past year, we added three new postsecondary sponsors to our network. 
  • Facilitating access to economic opportunities for 30 refugees arriving from Kenya in British Columbia’s hospitality sector.
  • Providing technical support to partners for more than 30 additional refugees to access safety and education in Mexico and another 31 in the United States.
  • Providing financial support to eight partners through our Partner Innovation Fund, enabling them to implement impactful projects in their communities. 
  • Mobilizing 249 volunteers across 12 countries to enhance the capacities of our partners. 
  • Eliminating barriers to education and ensuring that all children, especially girls, have access to quality education. In South Sudan, for example, 97% of girls who received scholarships successfully progressed to the next grade.
  • Creating opportunities for refugees to advocate for their communities. In Jordan, for example, 15 refugee counsellors provided guidance to over 770 refugees, on pathways to resettlement, equipping them with the information they need to navigate opportunities available to them.

With support from our network of volunteers, students, and partners, we are helping to ensure that more young people can be leaders in their communities through education and economic opportunities. 

Read our Annual Report to find out how.

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