A group of women stand in a semi-circle outdoors

Digital Skills Training Results in First Paycheque for Women and Girls in Refugee Contexts

Richard Ombina, WUSC Digital Hub and Scholarship Coordinator, is passionate about strengthening education and employment opportunities for young people living in crisis-affected situations. In Kakuma Refugee Camp, Richard works to support young women to earn a livelihood. Some of these individuals have been born within the camp, and others have been driven out of their…

Empowering refugee leaders: Five exciting ways that WUSC is promoting refugee leadership

Since 2016, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of refugee representation in policies and decisions that impact the lives of refugees around the world. The increasing participation and engagement of young refugees in decision-making processes is a positive step towards a better refugee response. Refugee leaders and refugee-led organizations (RLOs) around the…

How cash transfers help girls continue their education in Kenya

In response to COVID-19, the Government of Kenya, much like other governments around the world, initiated lockdowns of businesses and schools and implemented curfews to help curb transmission. Despite these measures, in just a few weeks, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Kenya almost doubled, bringing the total at the time of writing to…

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