Khalid Dahir is one such student, having graduated from Carleton University with an undergraduate degree in computer science this year.
Khalid Dahir is one such student, having graduated from Carleton University with an undergraduate degree in computer science.

Celebrating the Student Refugee Program Graduating Class of 2024!

This summer, postsecondary campuses were abuzz with graduating students preparing to turn the page on the next chapter in their lives. 

For many members of the Class of 2024, their postsecondary studies began in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. These graduating students overcame many unique obstacles and demonstrated perseverance and resilience to reach this important milestone in their lives. 

Khalid Dahir is one such student, having graduated from Carleton University with an undergraduate degree in computer science this year.

As a young refugee teenager, Khalid was determined to change his life and the lives of those in his community through education. “Growing up in a refugee camp, I saw the lack of opportunities and believed that education was the key to a brighter future,” he explains. He decided to apply to the Student Refugee Program, which offered him the chance to pursue post-secondary education along with resettlement in Canada. 

“This opportunity has inspired me to become a role model and advocate for access to education for all young people, especially those who are affected by forced displacement, demonstrating that with determination and support, we can overcome any obstacle and create positive change,” – Khalid Dahir, Class of 2024

Khalid chose to study computer science because of his interest in the tech space and the transformative power of technology. “Technology has the potential to change the world and the way we interact with everything around us,” he shares. Throughout his undergraduate studies, he had the privilege to learn from outstanding professors and participate in various research projects, including community detection techniques using machine learning algorithms, which broadened his understanding and application of technology in society. In addition, he highlights that a significant part of his academic journey was a 16-month internship in which he was a software developer. “This experience equipped me with the practical skills that extend outside of the classroom and allowed me to apply these skills in real-world scenarios,” he explains. 

During his studies, Khalid was actively involved in extracurricular activities, most notably as a member of the Muslim Students Association at his university. Through this role, he was able to connect with fellow students and participate in various community-building events. By getting involved with various initiatives, he developed leadership skills, forged meaningful connections, and contributed to the community. 

Khalid was also actively involved with the WUSC Local Committee, serving as an Assistant Finance Director. In this role, he welcomed new students to Canada and helped them integrate during the transition. He was very motivated to support the Local Committee because of his own experience. “Having been in a similar situation myself, I deeply understood their challenges and was committed to ensuring that they faced fewer obstacles than I did. My involvement meant a lot to me because it allowed me to help the community that supported me,” he shares. “I made it a point to always be available to new students, offering support and assistance whenever they needed to help them feel at home and succeed in their environment,” he continues. 

Following his graduation, Khalid quickly secured a job as a Control System Engineer. For now, he plans to continue working to gain more industry experience. He is also considering pursuing graduate studies specializing in data science. 

As he reflects on his experience, Khalid offers advice to anyone who is thinking of coming. He explains that integrating into a new life can be challenging and that it is normal to struggle initially. As you adjust to life in a new country, you will find that these challenges will typically ease with time. “Never give up, you got this. Embrace the experience, stay open-minded, and seek support from your peers, professors, and campus resources,” he shares. “Remember, it is okay to ask for help and it is okay to make mistakes as you learn and grow in this new environment,” he says. 

Khalid’s time in Canada is full of highlights and memorable moments. “One of the most memorable moments was reuniting with my sister in Canada. Coming from a completely different environment back home, it felt like we were destined to reunite here,” he explains. He talks about how this reunion facilitated his transition and her support made navigating this new chapter in his life much easier and more enjoyable. 

Congratulations to all of the members of the graduating Class of 2024! Your hard work, dedication, and passion for learning paid off. Today, we celebrate your successes and we look forward to what you will accomplish next!

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