
Uniterra Symposia Series and International Development Week

This year International Development Week (February 5th to 11th) puts the spotlight on our collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and many WUSC leaders explore the theme of “Putting our purchasing power to use for people and planet” through the Uniterra One World ethical consumption campaign.

Every year, WUSC Local Committee students across Canada spark change by bringing together local experts, returned international volunteers, students and faculty for an educational symposium and other activities.

Upcoming Events:

February 6th, Université de Montréal: Uniterra Symposium “Ethical and sustainable consumption! Tools for getting there.”
4:30-7pm, pavillon Jean Brillant, Montréal, Québec

February 7th, Université Laval: “Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption”
7pm, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins, Québec City

February 16th, Carleton University and University of Ottawa: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Ottawa, Ontario

February 28th, Huron University College: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
London, Ontario

March 4th, Queen’s University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Kingston, Ontario

March 13th, University of Guelph: Uniterra Symposium “The True Cost of Consumption”
Guelph, Ontario

March 30th, Université du Québec à Montréal: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Montréal, Québec

Event Dates To Be Confirmed:

McGill University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Montréal, Québec

Lakehead University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Thunder Bay, Ontario

York University – Glendon: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Glendon Campus, Toronto, Ontario

Wilfrid Laurier University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Waterloo, Ontario

Waterloo University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
Waterloo, Ontario

Western University: Uniterra Symposium on ethical consumption
London, Ontario

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