Rachael Portrait shot

Reflections from the DREEM Youth Advisory Committee: Our Challenges Need a Solution

My name is Racheal Athiak Makuei, and I am a law graduate and an alumnus of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. I am a refugee youth living at Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana County, in Kenya. I was born and raised in Kakuma and completed both my primary and secondary education in the camp.…

Reflections from the DREEM Youth Advisory Committee: It’s Now Our Time

When you wake up every day from a good night’s sleep in that cozy bed, have a decent job and pizza is not just a diagram in your head but a regular meal, this is what we would generally perceive as a decent life. In the midst of the imagination of everyone’s efforts to make…

Introducing DREEM

The Displaced and Refugee youth Enabling Environment Mechanism project – or DREEM – is an exciting partnership between the Mastercard Foundation and WUSC in East Africa that is working to facilitate an enabling environment for the inclusion of refugee and displaced youth, especially young women, to fully participate in society. Through building more inclusive institutions…

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