Market System Development Training
WUSC and MarketShare Associates are proud to present one of Canada’s first Market System Development (MSD) training. The concepts from MSD are increasingly demanded by donors and implemented in development programs worldwide. Pioneered by the the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC), the approach has grown…
Events | Canada
|Press Release: CECI and WUSC confirm that one of their volunteers was among the victims of the August 13 attack in Burkina Faso
MONTREAL, August 14, 2017 – CECI and WUSC wish to express their profound sadness over the loss of Bilel Diffalah, a Canadian volunteer, who was among the victims of the attack in Ouagadougou on the evening of August 13, 2017. All remaining CECI and WUSC volunteers in Burkina Faso are safe and accounted for. Bilel…
Press Releases
|The 71st International Seminar wraps up in Bolivia
By: Cécile Robert, International Seminar Coordinator, Uniterra Program Not every student would be willing to spend their summer holidays producing research reports on sustainable tourism. But for the 21 participants of the 2017 International Seminar in Bolivia, it was a no-brainer. They happily traded in their vacation plans because they knew these reports could be…
Success Stories | Bolivia, Economic Opportunities, International Seminar, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|2018 International Forum: Save the Date and Call for Proposals
Save the Date: The 2018 WUSC and CECI International Forum is Coming Soon! The next annual WUSC and CECI International Forum will be held in Ottawa from January 19 to 20, 2018. An event you won’t want to miss, the International Forum will bring together students, academics, and professionals with representatives of governments, civil society,…
Events | Canada
|Ride for Refuge 2017: Will you ride with us?
For the sixth time in a row, WUSC is pleased to be participating in the annual Ride for Refuge event – a fundraiser supporting charities who provide refuge and hope for displaced, vulnerable, and exploited people everywhere. Ride, walk, and fundraise in support of the Student Refugee Program! WUSC’s Student Refugee Program (SRP) is the…
Events | Canada, Student Refugee Program
|Canada’s New Vision for Bolder, Better Global Development
A feminist approach to Canada’s global efforts Earlier this June, Canada’s new international assistance policy was unveiled. A feminist approach to development, this announcement enshrines Canada’s commitment to the empowerment of women and girls and the advancement of gender equality for all. This policy is deeply rooted in the belief that the empowerment of women…
Development Perspectives | Canada
|Sustainable tourism, theme of the 71st International Seminar and key sector for development in Bolivia
By: Cécile Robert, International Seminar Coordinator, Uniterra Program Yesterday, we launched the 71st International Seminar. For the first time in its long history, the Seminar will be held in Bolivia and will focus on sustainable community tourism. Established by WUSC in 1948, the International Seminar is an educational gathering that offers students and young professionals…
Success Stories | Bolivia, Economic Opportunities, International Seminar, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|Four Global Priorities for Improved Women’s Economic Empowerment
Reflections from the First Annual WEE Global Learning Forum By: Ariane Ryan, Technical Advisor for Inclusive Economies, WUSC I recently had the privilege of attending the first annual Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Global Learning Forum on behalf of WUSC. Hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, the event brought together leading stakeholders in the field of women’s economic empowerment to…
Development Perspectives | ASSET, Burkina Faso, Economic Opportunities, Guatemala, Jordan, KEEP, Kenya, PASME, Sri Lanka, Uniterra, WE LEAD
|Advice from Youth on How to Achieve Education for All
By: Fatuma Omar Ismail, SRP alumnus Canadians understand the transformative role of education in a young person’s life. That’s why Canada has been a donor to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) – the only global fund solely dedicated to education in developing countries – since 2007. Canada recently hosted the Board of Directors of…
Development Perspectives | Canada, Durable Solutions for Refugees, Education, Student Refugee Program
|Problematizing Education for Refugees at CIES 2017
By: Tom Tunney, Senior Advisor, University, College and Cégep Programming There is no one-size-fits-all approach to providing quality education – particularly in fragile contexts. This is the message we heard at the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference last March. I was there with my colleagues to reflect, share, and learn about education in…