Our 2019 – 2020 Annual Report
Our 2019 – 2020 year was filled with momentum, milestones, and new beginnings. Our Annual Report shares the results of select initiatives that have moved us closer toward our vision of a better world for all young people. These results are snapshots, localized expressions of our ambition for global systems change. They are examples of how we have supported our partners and other actors to innovate, develop new models of working, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Here are just a few of the highlights from 2019 – 2020:
- In collaboration with over 450 partners around the world, we reached 1.6 million youth and a further 2 million individuals, representing governments, businesses, nonprofits, and communities that work with young people.
- We supported more girls in refugee and host communities to stay in school and improve their learning outcomes. For example, in Tanzania, where we were supporting out-of-school youth, 267 girls out of 345 who attended our remedial classes passed school entrance tests and were re-enrolled back in school.
- We increased the number of youth accessing post-secondary education opportunities, particularly among refugees and young women. For example, a total of 166 students were supported this year through our investment in Brighter Futures, including 28 women. Overall enrolment of women in the program has increased from 10% to 17% with our support.
- We supported youth to prepare for employment and income generation while helping to make markets more inclusive of young and marginalized people. For example, in West Africa, nearly 650 existing businesses, the majority of which are owned by young entrepreneurs and women, have been supported through our work since 2016. The majority (87%) of these businesses have reported an increase in sales or revenue.
- We nurtured youth leadership and life skills development while helping to dismantle the barriers that perpetuate discrimination and marginalization. For example, in Kenya, more than 300 refugee girls participated in our life skills camp, where they learn important leadership skills such as problem-solving, conflict resolution, and self-confidence. More than half of participants demonstrated improvement in these important life skills.
- We helped improve the quantity and quality of durable solutions, such as resettlement and complementary pathways, for young refugees. A total of 151 refugees were resettled to Canada through our Student Refugee Program and Refugee Support Network.
- We engaged Canadians to support our mission and the missions of our partner organizations around the world through international volunteering for development. More than 500 volunteers were mobilized to support our partners who together serve 2.8 million people in their communities.
- We raised awareness among Canadians on the important role Canada plays in global development. Hundreds of international and Canadian-based volunteers reached over 12,000 Canadians last year through fun and creative public engagement activities.
Our efforts and results would not have been possible without the support of the inspiring network of individuals, organizations, institutions, businesses and governments in Canada and overseas. We thank the tens of thousands of alumni, volunteers and supporters across Canada, who share our vision and work with us to achieve a better world for all young people.
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