Situational Analysis of Access to Secondary Education and Economic Activities of Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Ethiopia
WUSC, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, shared a situational analysis on Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Ethiopia and their access to secondary education and economic opportunities.
The analysis, authored by a team of researchers at Samuel Hall, contributes to the objectives of the DREEM Project, a partnership between WUSC and the Mastercard Foundation that focuses on building and embedding systems change and institutional leadership to empower refugees and displaced young people to reach their ambitions.
The report launches amid a steady increase in the number of IDPs in Ethiopia due to conflict, drought, and social tensions. The total number of IDPs in Ethiopia is nearly 4.4 million individuals, as of June 2023.
The report provides an overview of the present circumstances of IDPs in Ethiopia concerning their access to secondary school education. It also details existing interventions, challenges, key actors, and opportunities for further programming. In addition, it seeks to enhance the understanding of the socio-economic situation of IDPs in Ethiopia, specifically their integration into the economy. Opportunities exist to support economic inclusion by scaling programs such as microfinance and entrepreneurship.
The report outlines strategies, with a particular focus on seeking opportunities for the Mastercard Foundation to engage with stakeholders, and support or scale existing interventions to increase access to education and economic inclusion.
Visit our website to learn more about the DREEM project.
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