Economic Opportunities
Unleashing the Potential of the Caribbean Agri-Sector through a Market Systems Approach
By Doug Graham, PROPEL Project Director “Disruptive Innovation. Trigger innovation and market stimulus from the sidelines. Avoid being in the middle of a transaction.” Key words of wisdom for the implementation of a market systems approach (MSA). Over the last few years, I have heard increasing buzz about the application of MSA in development. As…
Development Perspectives | Barbados, Economic Opportunities, Guyana, Jamaica, PROPEL, Saint Lucia
|Seminar on Best Practices for Better Governance
The ARI (Andean Regional Initiative) Project concluded its activities by holding the “Seminar on Best Practices for Better Governance” on December 12 and 13, 2017 at the Hotel Los Delfines in Lima, Peru. Seminar participants included representatives from civil society, NGOs, International Cooperation, the Embassy of Canada, and local, municipal and regional government. In addition,…
News | Economic Opportunities, Peru
|One Nation, Many Colours
A collection of Art & Stories by Sri Lanka’s Youth Growing up in Sri Lanka, years of conflict has resulted in few opportunities for youth to interact with people from different regions or of different religions. Working across the country, we see the barriers these gaps in cross-cultural understanding have created. That is why peace…
Success Stories | ASSET, Economic Opportunities, Sri Lanka
|Tourism: Uniterra Program Partners on a Trade Mission in Canada
From October 15 to 25, 2017, WUSC and CECI welcomed a delegation made up of six partners of their international cooperation program, Uniterra, who work in the tourism industry. The trade mission was planned to coincide with the International Tourism and Travel Show in Montreal, with the main goals of encouraging business relations between partners…
Success Stories | Canada, Economic Opportunities, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|Impact Investing: A Tool for New Partnerships for Sustainable Development
At the 2017 World Bank annual meeting, an important theme was the call for new instruments and tools to mobilize private capital to fight poverty more effectively across the globe. Indeed, beyond available taxes and development assistance, it is estimated that $2.5 trillion in private financing is required annually to fully implement the Sustainable Development…
Resources | Economic Opportunities, Report, Social Finance, Volunteering for Development
|The 71st International Seminar wraps up in Bolivia
By: Cécile Robert, International Seminar Coordinator, Uniterra Program Not every student would be willing to spend their summer holidays producing research reports on sustainable tourism. But for the 21 participants of the 2017 International Seminar in Bolivia, it was a no-brainer. They happily traded in their vacation plans because they knew these reports could be…
Success Stories | Bolivia, Economic Opportunities, International Seminar, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|Sustainable tourism, theme of the 71st International Seminar and key sector for development in Bolivia
By: Cécile Robert, International Seminar Coordinator, Uniterra Program Yesterday, we launched the 71st International Seminar. For the first time in its long history, the Seminar will be held in Bolivia and will focus on sustainable community tourism. Established by WUSC in 1948, the International Seminar is an educational gathering that offers students and young professionals…
Success Stories | Bolivia, Economic Opportunities, International Seminar, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|Four Global Priorities for Improved Women’s Economic Empowerment
Reflections from the First Annual WEE Global Learning Forum By: Ariane Ryan, Technical Advisor for Inclusive Economies, WUSC I recently had the privilege of attending the first annual Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Global Learning Forum on behalf of WUSC. Hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, the event brought together leading stakeholders in the field of women’s economic empowerment to…
Development Perspectives | ASSET, Burkina Faso, Economic Opportunities, Guatemala, Jordan, KEEP, Kenya, PASME, Sri Lanka, Uniterra, WE LEAD
|Reflections on Youth and Agriculture in Tanzania
The proud son of farmers in rural Tanzania, Stivin grew up gaining an in-depth understanding of the obstacles and opportunities rural farmers and producers often face in his country. Inspired by his childhood experiences, as a young adult he moved to Dar es Salaam where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Rural Development from the…
Development Perspectives | Economic Opportunities, International Seminar, Tanzania, Uniterra, Volunteering for Development
|Volunteering in Jamaica: Helping local partners build capacity in communications
By: Lais Viera, WUSC Volunteer, Jamaica Volunteering in Jamaica has been a truly gratifying, wonderful experience. As a sovereign island nation, Jamaica has so much more to offer than just gorgeous beaches. Hilly, sleepy towns, magnificent mountains, beautiful forests, freshly cultivated fields, and many other hidden treasures abound, including a rich and diverse culture and…