Economic Opportunities

How can women transform the food industry for women?

  By Carole Duffréchou As part of the International Forum held in Montreal last January, WUSC and CECI welcomed Canadian women entrepreneurs from the food industry, all of whom source their products in developing countries. The following question was put to them: How can women transform the food industry for women? Hoping to share their…

Switching gears for a brighter future

Meet one of the young women challenging gender stereotypes and finding employment in Sri Lanka’s automotive sector. A little encouragement can go a long way on the pathway to employment. This was certainly the case for Shanika Seuwandhi who is currently following her passion as a motorcycle mechanic in Sri Lanka, despite the obstacles she…

Tanzania 2016: Collaborative research on the role of youth and technology in achieving food security

  Summary of the Uniterra International Seminar Research In the summer of 2016, Uniterra’s International Seminar brought together a team of youth leaders and mentors from all across Canada and Tanzania to research the critical role of agriculture in Tanzania’s economy, from the unique perspective of youth. Agriculture is in fact the largest sector of…
Press Release Support Afghan Refugees

WUSC and CLIC announce new initiative to help women access employment in Jordan’s growing healthcare sector

OTTAWA, October 30, 2016 – World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and Canadian Leaders in International Consulting Inc. (CLIC) announced a new initiative aimed at improving women’s economic empowerment in Jordan. With the support of Global Affairs Canada, “Women’s Economic Linkages and Employment Development (WE LEAD),” will help remove the barriers that prevent women from accessing fulfilling careers in…

How the University of Guelph employees are helping community organizations amplify their message

An interview with Stephanie Craig, Uniterra volunteer Each year, hundreds of Canadians play a pivotal role in advancing international development efforts around the world through international volunteering. Through Uniterra’s Leave for Change program, Canadian employees are given an opportunity to make a direct and positive impact in support of local partners in fourteen developing countries.…

2016 International Seminar in Tanzania

This week, Uniterra welcomes the participants for the 70th Annual International Seminar, an event held this year in Tanzania. It will bring together nineteen Canadian and Tanzanian student-leaders for five weeks of research and camaraderie. From July 14 to August 20 the participants will visit local businesses and farmers’ groups in Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara,…

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