
Seminar participants in Malawi discuss their research project. © Mphatso Dumba

International Seminar 2021: Applications Open!

The International Seminar is an annual WUSC event for young leaders from around the world to collaborate, share ideas and create long lasting relationships. Each year explores a different contemporary development issue through youth-driven ideas, research and solutions. Since its first iteration in 1948, the International Seminar has seen thousands of participants collaborate on projects…
How we are working with partners to prevent gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic

How we are working with partners to prevent gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic

Around the world, nearly 1 in 3 women are affected by gender-based violence (GBV) in their lifetime. While men, women, girls, and boys all experience GBV to varying degrees, women and girls are often disproportionately affected. GBV includes, but is not restricted to sexual, emotional, and psychological violence, early and forced marriage, domestic violence, female…

Webinar: Using a gender lens to address COVID-19 response in refugee settings

COVID-19 has become an unprecedented global crisis. The pandemic and its associated economic crisis have exposed deep structural inequalities around the world, with disproportionate effects on women and girls. This webinar, organized by Women’s Empowerment in Development (WED) Lab at McGill in partnership with the Institute for the Study of International Development, explores current issues around COVID-19…

“Do not underestimate girls’ education.” Community reflections from our recent radio programming in Kenya.

The COVID-19 pandemic confirmed what we already knew – girls’ education is most at risk during emergency and crisis situations. Many girls, particularly those in refugee camps and their surrounding host communities, may never return to school. That’s why we quickly adapted our conditional cash transfers (CTs) approach and our radio programming in Kenya to keep girls’…

Businesses Respond to the Global Refugee Crisis: A new model to think global and build local through welcoming workplaces

HIRES is a pilot initiative that resettles refugee youth who currently live in Kenya through a unique private sponsorship pathway that partners with Canadian businesses. This pathway involves vocational training and an employment placement upon arrival. Both, responding to persistent barriers to economic inclusion facing refugee populations and supporting Canadian employers to meet labour market…

How cash transfers help girls continue their education in Kenya

In response to COVID-19, the Government of Kenya, much like other governments around the world, initiated lockdowns of businesses and schools and implemented curfews to help curb transmission. Despite these measures, in just a few weeks, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Kenya almost doubled, bringing the total at the time of writing to…

How radio acts as an education tool to help girls continue learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

Risk to Girls’ education and safety during COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about widespread lockdowns and school closures around the world, including in Kenya, where more than 2,000 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed.  In a country where 1.2 million primary-school-age children were already out of school before the crisis hit, these closures have…
Gender equality / genre

Putting gender equality at the heart of education in emergencies

Introducing the new INEE Guidance Note on Gender by Nora Fyles & Dean Brooks This blog post was originally published by the Global Partnership for Education. As civil war engulfed her home country Somalia, eight-year-old Fatuma fled with her family to Dadaab, Kenya, site of one of the world’s largest refugee camps. With the support…
Conditional Cash Transfers and Women's Economic Empowerment

Webinar: Conditional Cash Transfers and Women’s Economic Empowerment

One of the most important innovations in anti-poverty policy in the last couple of decades has been the scale-up of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs. A typical CCT will transfer cash to a poor household conditional on children attending school and receiving health check-ups regularly. While CCTs have often been promoted as an effective means…
From Higher Education to Employment for Displaced Youth in Africa

A Bridge to the Future: From Higher Education to Employment for Displaced Youth in Africa

From July 2019 to September 2019, World University Service of Canada (WUSC) was contracted by Mastercard Foundation to conduct research into bridging initiatives and programs that support displaced youth, including refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), in sub-Saharan Africa to access higher education and employment upon graduation. This mapping study, A Bridge to the Future:…

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