Growing Hope

In Canada, your gardens are dormant now, until another spring awakening. But here in Ghana we are planting all the time – and what we’re growing might surprise you! We are growing hope.  Because of support made possible by WUSC and our donors, women and youth in Ghana are learning the skills they need to…

Going Above and Beyond: Volunteers’ Commitment to Global Development

Since 1977, WUSC has worked closely with over 10,000 volunteers in Canada and abroad to foster youth-centered solutions for improved education, economic, and empowerment opportunities to overcome inequality and exclusion in over 15 countries.  While on assignment, volunteers are responsible for numerous tasks depending on their role, which could vary from creating an entire social…

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Interview with Senior Gender and Safeguarding Officer Ian Mwangi  Everyone has the right to live free from violence. However, many people around the world continue to face violence every day because of their gender. Gender-based violence can happen at schools, in workplaces, in homes, and in communities. Globally, 1 in 3 women have or will…

International Volunteer Day

Since 1985, International Volunteer Day has been held every year on December 5th, a day founded to celebrate the contributions of volunteers to global development. Volunteers are at the heart of social change around the world, and this day honours their hard work, commitment and time that they dedicate to making the world a better…

WUSC International Volunteer Information Session: Spotlight on Ghana!

Volunteering internationally is an experience unlike any other. You are not only able to better the world by contributing your skills to development, but you are placed right at the heart of local communities where you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture while giving back in a meaningful way.  Since 1977,…

Webinar: Right Where We Belong Book Launch

Can you imagine a world where all young people have access to quality education? In refugee communities, teachers and students are working to make this a reality by transforming their education systems to promote a safe, inclusive, and protective environment for all. On World Teachers Day, WUSC hosted a virtual panel discussion with Sarah Dryden-Peterson,…
A young woman on a balcony looks out on the city below

Leading By Example: How One Young Woman’s Hope For The Future Is Inspiring Others To Not Give Up

By: Mercy Ndunge Mwanzia, Communications Liaison Officer, Kenya, WUSC The 11th of October is commemorated globally as a day to draw attention to the obstacles girls encounter while acknowledging their power to define their own futures. While there are many ways the global community can support girls to take back their power, one of the…

“You’re Going To Canada!” – The Words That Start A Journey For Student Refugee Program Students

Most people do not think of a refugee camp as a place to go for better education opportunities. But that is the reality for refugees around the world who are displaced by war, drought, famine, and poverty. Manyang Lual Jok has had a remarkable journey, from leaving his home in South Sudan as a refugee…

WUSC Welcomes Largest Cohort of Refugee Youth, Including Students from Afghanistan

Hot off the press! Our largest cohort of refugee students to date has arrived in Canada through the Student Refugee Program! Among them are a cohort of Afghan students arriving from Pakistan. For over 40 years, WUSC’s Student Refugee Program has provided life-changing opportunities for refugees to pursue their post-secondary studies at universities, colleges, and…

Decide to dream – the power of community and the Student Refugee Program

*This piece was written by guest blogger, Acha Divine Patandjila, who moved to Canada through the Student Refugee Program in December 2020. This past June she graduated from Humber College and was awarded the prestigious Board of Governors Award for her achievements. In this blog, she shares her inspiring journey with the Student Refugee Program…

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