Durable Solutions for Refugees

Salim moved to Canada to study engineering at the University of Toronto through the Student Refugee Program.

From Engineer to Entrepreneur: How a Student Refugee Program Alum is Contributing to His Community in Canada

When Salim Hourieh arrived in Canada in 2019 through the Student Refugee Program, everything felt new. He had left behind familiarity for a new country, a new culture, and a new academic journey at the University of Toronto. The transition was exciting, but also overwhelming.  “It was a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I knew…
Our Annual Report contains key results and milestones from across our programming.

Celebrating a Year of Impact: WUSC’s 2023-2024 Annual Report

With our global network of 289 partners, we have made significant strides towards our vision of a better world for all young people. Our Annual Report contains key results and milestones from across our programming, highlighting the impact of our work.  2023-2024 was filled with exciting new beginnings and milestones. Here are some of the…
Canada’s migration policy contains various pathways to protection and resettlement for refugees and refugee claimants.

Ripped from Home: The Global Crisis of Forced Displacement

Around the world, forced displacement is rising to record levels. Globally, there is no credible plan to address the scale of the forced displacement crisis, which is expected to increase as climate change fuels devastating changes to environmental, economic, and physical well-being. International and Canadian law have long recognized universal rights related to global forced…
Adele and her husband Jean-Marie transformed their tailoring skills into a thriving business, benefiting their community in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.

Entrepreneurship Against the Odds: How Adele and Jean-Marie Built a Business in Kalobeyei

“We are, after all, the pillars upon which the future of the refugee community will be built.” Jean-Marie, based in Kalobeyei Settlement, Kenya, spoke those powerful words about the role of entrepreneurs in refugee communities. How he and his partner Adele came to embody those words started seven years ago in difficult circumstances. When you’re…
RPL graduates from Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement pose for a group photo during the RPL National Policy Launch at KICC in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2024. [Photo: Edwin Ndeke]

First Cohort of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy Framework Graduates in Kenya

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy Framework was officially launched at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2024, with the first cohort of 883 individuals from across the country graduating. Senior national and county government officials, led by the Deputy President, H.E. Rigathi Gachagua, and education sector players attended the…
A student reviews her lessons with the support of a teacher in Dadaab, Kenya. © Lorenzo Moscia

Thank You to Teachers Everywhere: The Stories that WUSC Supporters Told Us for Day of the Girl

We believe one of the best ways to support girls to reach their full potential is through education. Mentors play a big role in education, teaching critical life skills beyond the traditional school curriculum. That’s why, in celebration of Day of the Girl this October 11, we invited the WUSC community to share their stories…
For Peter, his shop represents the opportunity to change his life and those around him.

Entrepreneur of the Month: Peter Kimutai

Looking back on his life’s journey, Peter Kimutai reflects fondly on how things have turned out for him.  “I never imagined I would get this far,” he says. At 32 years old, Peter runs a thriving electronics shop in Kakuma town in Northwestern Kenya. Born and raised in Turkana County, Peter lived a nomadic life…
Josephine, a teacher, stands outside Rodo Primary School in Obongi, Uganda. Photo credit: Rich Townsend, AKFC

Growth Beyond the Classroom: How Mentorship Boosts Girls’ Empowerment

You can’t overstate the importance of girls’ education. It provides the first building blocks for girls to start creating a good life, and to become women who contribute to the prosperity of their families and communities. But not all girls around the world have access to the conditions that enable them to enroll in school…
At postsecondary institutions across Canada, students form Local Committees to support refugee students’ sponsorship and integration.

Promoting Education Pathways for Refugees Around the World

Globally, 7% of refugees have access to higher education. This is far below the average of 40% among those who are not refugees. For four decades, WUSC has been promoting access to higher education for refugees, and mobilizing the Canadian postsecondary education community to offer complementary education pathways for refugees. Through the Student Refugee Program,…
Khalid Dahir is one such student, having graduated from Carleton University with an undergraduate degree in computer science this year.

Celebrating the Student Refugee Program Graduating Class of 2024!

This summer, postsecondary campuses were abuzz with graduating students preparing to turn the page on the next chapter in their lives.  For many members of the Class of 2024, their postsecondary studies began in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. These graduating students overcame many unique obstacles and demonstrated perseverance and resilience to reach…

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