Durable Solutions for Refugees

High-level roundtable on post-secondary response to the Syrian refugee crisis

Leaders in Canada’s post-secondary response to the Syrian refugee crisis gathered this week to discuss the role of higher education in ongoing resettlement and integration efforts. Convened by WUSC, the high-level roundtable brought together actors from diverse sectors to identify opportunities for greater collaboration and to scale the response. Participants included Canadian university, college, and…

On the path toward a brighter future for refugee youth: Education Cannot Wait

World leaders pledge to support education in emergencies at the World Humanitarian Summit The world is facing one of the greatest educational crises of our time. Right now, some of the world’s brightest minds are struggling just to make it to class in war zones and regions devastated by natural disasters around the world. If…
Press Release Support Afghan Refugees

Press Release: Canada paving the way to refugee resettlement with post-secondary scholarships

OTTAWA, March 30, 2016 – A delegation of Canadian government and nongovernment representatives led by the Honourable John McCallum, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, is in Geneva this week to attend a high-level meeting on Pathways for Admission of Syrian Refugees, where the unique Canadian private sponsorship model is being highlighted as a durable solution to the global…
Press Release Support Afghan Refugees

Press Release: WUSC calls on Canadian universities, colleges and cegeps to increase support to Syrian refugees

OTTAWA, September 9, 2015 – World University Service of Canada (WUSC) has called upon the presidents and leaders of post-secondary education institutions across the country to increase their support to Syrian refugees through the Student Refugee Program. Already active on over 65 campuses, WUSC’s Student Refugee Program empowers students, faculty and staff to sponsor young refugees to resettle…

Film: Who You Were Yesterday 

Around[a] the world, only 6% of refugees have access to higher education, according to UNHCR. When accessing higher education systems, refugee students are confronted with many challenges, including high tuition fees and living costs, legal restrictions, and strict language requirements. Increasing access to higher education among refugees is key to building an inclusive and sustainable future.…

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