Student Refugee Program

Priscillah Panchol graduated from St. Francis Xavier University in 2021 and is a member of the Student Refugee Program Alumni Advisory Team.

Ignite the Flame of Education

*This is a guest post by Priscillah Panchol. She graduated from St. Francis Xavier University in 2021, and continues to contribute her experience as a member of the Student Refugee Program Alumni Advisory Team. As an alum of WUSC’s Student Refugee Program, I resonate very well with the core belief “Education changes the world’. The…
Three young refugees who completed their studies.

Celebrating the Student Refugee Program Class of 2023!

Congratulations to the newest cohort of graduates from the Student Refugee Program! Many of our new grads are now preparing to begin a new stage in their lives, from pursuing further studies in their fields of interest to moving to a different city or country to embarking on a new career path.  Access to post-secondary…

Film: Who You Were Yesterday 

Around the world, only 6% of refugees have access to higher education, according to UNHCR.  When accessing higher education systems, refugee students are confronted with many challenges, including high tuition fees and living costs, legal restrictions, and strict language requirements.  Increasing access to higher education among refugees is key to building an inclusive and sustainable…

“You’re Going To Canada!” – The Words That Start A Journey For Student Refugee Program Students

Most people do not think of a refugee camp as a place to go for better education opportunities. But that is the reality for refugees around the world who are displaced by war, drought, famine, and poverty. Manyang Lual Jok has had a remarkable journey, from leaving his home in South Sudan as a refugee…

WUSC Welcomes Largest Cohort of Refugee Youth, Including Students from Afghanistan

Hot off the press! Our largest cohort of refugee students to date has arrived in Canada through the Student Refugee Program! Among them are a cohort of Afghan students arriving from Pakistan. For over 40 years, WUSC’s Student Refugee Program has provided life-changing opportunities for refugees to pursue their post-secondary studies at universities, colleges, and…

Decide to dream – the power of community and the Student Refugee Program

*This piece was written by guest blogger, Acha Divine Patandjila, who moved to Canada through the Student Refugee Program in December 2020. This past June she graduated from Humber College and was awarded the prestigious Board of Governors Award for her achievements. In this blog, she shares her inspiring journey with the Student Refugee Program…

Celebrating the Student Refugee Program Class of 2022!

Over the past four years, 533 young refugees were welcomed onto Canadian university, college, and CEGEP campuses through the Student Refugee Program. This year, many of these students are graduating and taking the next steps in their journey toward a better future for themselves and their families.  Join us as we celebrate the achievements of…

WUSC partners with Peace by Chocolate to help create more opportunities for refugees in Canada

Increasing access to quality opportunities for young refugees to learn, work, and lead is core to our vision of a better world for all youth and is a cornerstone of our programming around the world. In Kenya, we improve learning outcomes for girls in refugee and host communities with the support of UK Aid and Global…

Empowering refugee leaders: Five exciting ways that WUSC is promoting refugee leadership

Since 2016, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of refugee representation in policies and decisions that impact the lives of refugees around the world. The increasing participation and engagement of young refugees in decision-making processes is a positive step towards a better refugee response. Refugee leaders and refugee-led organizations (RLOs) around the…

WUSC Celebrates 2021 Fall Arrivals

Every year in August and September, members from the WUSC community across the country prepare to welcome a new cohort of refugee youth to Canada. Through our various sponsorship programs, these youth are given the opportunity to continue their studies at Canadian universities, colleges, and CEGEPs, and now expanded to Canadian workplaces.  In total, WUSC…

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